feeling sad

How to deal with disappointments, avoid conflicts and create better relationships

How to deal with disappointments, avoid conflicts and create better relationships

Are people constantly disappointing you and letting you down? Do you feel you don’t matter to them, or they don’t get you, or they simply don’t care?

What about we start moving the focus away from the others and turn it towards ourselves?

What about starting questioning: Why am I feeling so disappointed right now? What did I want from this person? What is my part in all this?

Is it possible to get rid of our suffering? Can we make our pain disappear?

Is it possible to get rid of our suffering? Can we make our pain disappear?

So many people ask me what they need to do to ‘get rid of’ their suffering. How to stop feeling the pain, stop feeling sad or even how to stop thinking about the issues that are causing their suffering. As if there were techniques to learn or a magic button that would make it all disappear in an instant.

And the answer is simple: we don’t ‘get rid’ of our suffering, we can’t just make it disappear. It takes time. It takes healing. And, surprisingly, it takes our care and attention for that to happen.